Star Trails - Gold Head Branch State Park

Lake Brooklyn from atop fire tower

House Wren (Troglodytes aedon)

View from the Cabin

Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)

Grandpa's toy room

Young Mockingbird

Sea Explorers at Wings of Dreams

Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)

Found in Leaders' Lounge at @campshands. North Florida scouts ready for #blairatholl2016 @bajamborette

Native American Dancers area. Monkey bridge. Pioneering and more Adventure area. An Adventure Camporee! Only in #NorthFloridaScouting. #NFCCamporee2016. #nfcscouting #scoutingadventures #scoutingsdventures2016

Gold Head Branch State Park

Brotherhood. @echockotee lodge Spring Fellowship. @campshands #troop182jax #nfcscouting #echockoteelodge

Weathered Decay #1

1943-camp-blanding-florida - 4

Arty Air Assault

Arty Air Assault



Spanish moss in the oaks

Savannah and Mallory

Everybody watching the helicopter

Bess and Lenice

Phil and Earl

#worship CCA Sr Retreat

Little Lake Johnson, once part of Big Lake Johnson, Mike Roess Goldhead Branch State Park, Putnam County, Florida 1

North Florida Christian Camp