From top of fire tower-June 1966

Lake Brooklyn from atop fire tower

Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)

House Wren (Troglodytes aedon)

Grandpa's toy room

Little Lake Johnson, once part of Big Lake Johnson, Mike Roess Goldhead Branch State Park, Putnam County, Florida 1

Gold Head Branch

Spanish moss in the oaks

Melrose “swimming hole”



Pebble Lake, Mike Roess Goldhead Branch State Park, Putnam County, Florida 2

Devil's Washbasin

Spanish moss in the oaks

Etoniah Creek State Forest

Depression Marsh, once part of Big Lake Johnson, Mike Roess Goldhead Branch State Park, Putnam County, Florida 1

20110326 - 281 - Melrose Open Air Arts

Black Creek, Camp Blanding

Etoniah Creek State Forest

Lake Geneva On a Cloudy Morning

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Depression Marsh, once part of Big Lake Johnson, Mike Roess Goldhead Branch State Park, Putnam County, Florida 3

For the Trees

Pine Forest-McRae, Florida


Rain On The Way (2 of 3)