Texas 71

Storm Warning

Hamilton Pool: natural peep hole

Hamilton Pool

Collings Guitars

Hamilton Pool Aug 2007 HDR

Texaco Building

Macbeth ...Signifying nothing.

Don't go searching for this view in Houston, TX. I made it up when looking up. #lookup #architecture #archimasters #houston #texas #travel #onthejob #ontheroad #workforfun #iphoneonly

the jade pool

there is no app for that

Is Time Real? Bob Marley and the dead oak tree.

Hamilton Pool

Hamilton Pool, Aug 2007

Hamilton Pool (Exhibition Version)

The view from Iguana Grill

Winter Sky

Texaco and Window

Beer Chiller, Thirsty Planet Brewery, Austin

Spyglass, Thirsty Planet Brewery

Hamilton Pool Overhang

Hamilton Pool Preserve

Hamilton Pool l/e

Fence Friday 08,31.12

#nofilterneeded #hikingadventures #texasphotography #hiking #texasparksandwildlife #texassunset #sunsets

Water on Mars?


Hamilton Pool

Sunrise in Lago Vista.

The hills are alive


Hamilton Pool

waterfall: Hamilton Pool

The Dreary

Early Spring Hamilton Pool: wood curls

Hamilton Pool

I like water

(2011-09-24) Nancy and Chad's Boat Party!