Springtime in Texas

Waterfall and Tree

Down By The Old Swimming Hole

Job Site in Blue

Walk in the Park

Hamilton Pool near Austin, Texas (2011 version)

Hamilton Pool: natural peep hole

Midnight At The Oasis

Hamilton Pool Aug 2007 HDR

Mansfield Dam

Hamilton Pool (Exhibition Version)

Travis Windy Point high water view

Sex Cave at Reimers Ranch Park near Austin, TX (Picture a Day September 18, 2010)

Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve

Hamilton Pool Nature Preserve III

On the Lake

Happy Bench Monday 08.13.12

A beer with a view. Oasis on Lake Travis.

Green-tailed Towhee

Hamilton Pool

Fence with a view

Fence Friday 08,31.12

Fortlandia Brass

Flying Over the Clouds of Texas (Black & White)

Fortlandia Fun

The Giant

Mexican Plum in Bloo

river place trail climb 2

giant slug watching smeared waterfall

Hamilton Pool: bits o spanish moss

Early Spring Hamilton Pool: wood curls

waterfall: Hamilton Pool

Texas 71

Hamilton Pool

Lake Travis

little falls

Pedernales River

Para Para Paradise