View from RH Hotel, Sibu.

view frm car window

Sibu sunset

Blue Sky

To Kapit

IPO a.k.a grandfather

Nasi Lemak Special.

20140419_175108_Jalan Bengkelwtmk

Try guessing on what town hall I am? #clashofclans #COC #supercell #TH4 #TH5 #TH6 #TH7 #TownHall #ClanCastle #Mortar #WizardTower #ArcherTower #Cannon #AirDefense #Walls #HiddenTesla #DarkBarrack #DarkElixir #BarbarianKing #Dragon #Pekka #RageSpell #Heali

Which One?

Asal minum air tuk. Mesti upload rah IG.

The place Najib said "I help you, you help me" and then lost the by election

Studio session with wife & son

Koridor Chuang | The Sunrise |Sibu, SW
