The Drive to Downtown Dallas

Dallas sunrise from my hotel window.

Dallas Skyline

The Goddess (Lesser Scaup)

Dallas - Infomart Building

RGB 5.0

View From the Winter Palace


Southwest Boeing 737-700 view from SW Boeing 737-800


View from the Ferris Wheel

Downtown Dallas

Another & Another




Out of the Jungle (Lynx rufus)

View from my balcony

Red Mudbug Hanging Out With Friend

Coppell Fireworks | 4th of July 2014

The Trap

Misty Morning Trees

morning at the creek (mono)

exploring the creek

Flying into SLC

Hooded Merganser at sunrise

Dallas Greenery

Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge-1

Dallas Marsh

Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society RED)

Last Sun on the Power Lines

Irving, Tx Whitehouse

gloomy lakeshore

Stormy Sunset

Springtime, Southwest, & Sunsets! Bluebonnets are just the icing on the cake! I used my LoneStar One airplane, propped it up in a small patch, then I cloned away the stand! If you drive around Texas right now, you'll likely see patches of bluebonnets!

Dallas Skyline

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Twilight reflections

Deep in the heart of Texas

The Minimalist's Sunrise (off #Grapevine #Dam in #dfw #Texas)...

Commerce bridge reflection