Dallas, TX

Kiki in Leaves

Williams Square

RGB 5.0

13R Boeing Field Seattle

Thru the Woods

Coppell Fireworks | 4th of July 2014

i thought i told you to float.

It must be a Texas "Thang..."

Van Gogh's Road

What was that thing?

View from the Ferris Wheel

Columbine 03

When the Fire Rolls In.

Backlit Egret

Downtown Dallas

Great Spreadwing Damselfly

Heron Foot Detail

The Last Piece of Local #Countryside (and it's for sale).

Another & Another

You're Never Too Old to Play With #Bubbles....!

looking for dinner

The Trinity

Roy Orbison Said Something Once That I'll Never Forget

Dallas Awakens

The Shrouding

Twilight reflections

Amnestic Suggest

The Minimalist's Sunrise (off #Grapevine #Dam in #dfw #Texas)...

Delusions become intrusions, conclusions, infusions for our soul.

The Roots of Denial Run Too Deep. Forcing me into a Silence I can no longer Keep.

this is Asia in my head. . .

Fire & Ice

The Long Way Home

The Duel

Another #Season, Another Cycle of the infamous #Texas #Storms approacheth...! Or at least I hope so! I love the excitement that they seem to bring forth out of the landscape and living creatures... (I've heard the pre-storm "friskiness" results from a hi

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 09

Yellow fellow

Step Into My Archives...


north arlington