Close Encounter

Headed to the Mtns

Bald River Falls

Gray Treefrog - Hyla versicolor

Falls Study 3

Cherohalla River Trees--3

Bald River FALLS CHEROKEE National Forest

Bald River Falls HDR - IMG_07518_19_20 (Explored)

Bald River Falls II

Saying Goodnight

Count the Stars

Bald River FALLS CHEROKEE National Forest

It’s Been Hectic Lately

View from overlook on Cherohala Skyway

Bald River Falls

Tellico River Road Bridge

W4T/SU-051 - Waucheesi Mtn View

Tellico Roundhouse - Side View

CHEROKEE National Forest

Door with a view

CHEROKEE National Forest

Bald River Falls

Bald River Falls

Bald River Falls

Bald River Sunrise

Broken Reflections

Bald River Falls Revisited

Bald River FALLS, CHEROKEE National Forest

Bald Creek Falls

Bald River Falls

Conasauga Falls

Bald River Falls, Tellico Plains, TN

Bald River Falls

Bald Falls