Built Ram Tough

One Mean Caddy

Iowa Pontiac

IAIS 6988

Steel Frame Electric Distribution Alley Towers, Newton IA (5)

Steel Frame Electric Distribution Alley Towers, Newton IA (15)

Christmas Lights on Jasper County Courthouse, Newton IA (3)

Jasper County Courthouse Christmas Lights - Now Using LED Bulbs This Year (2)

Day 134: New 2000 lbs

Steel Frame Electric Distribution Alley Towers, Newton IA (16)

2011-09-01 11.12.28

Jasper County Courthouse Christmas Lights - Now Using LED Bulbs This Year (4)


Ashton Wildwood Praire

IAIS 715 heading back to the Newton yard


IAIS 701

IAIS 701

Abandoned High School Football Field, Mingo, Iowa

Ashton Cemetery

Corn on the Way Back to Iowa City

Raod into the Campground

Hiking Trail

Wildflowers at Ashton.


Flood in Colfax, IA
