Brown Anole [Explored]

I think we're a little low...someone check our altitude!


Limpkin Chicks and Mommy

Eagle Hood Mascot by Rene Lalique

Good Morning World!

Sunset Over Marsh at Circle B Bar Reserve

Newborn Portrait Mute Swan Cygnats

1939 Bantam Pickup

Jimmy's Got The Blues

Bowtie Vert 4-Door

Water Lily in the Spotlight

Cardinal Fledgling on Our Porch

It's A Mint Caddy !

English Ford

Ford Speedster

1941 Chevy Deluxe

Highland Lake

Chevy Nomad

De-Light-Ful Caddy

1950 Ford

Another morning at Lake Hollingsworth.

Lake Parker Pasture Sunrise

Abandoned Pier

Florida Southern College

True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment. ~William Penn

Sunrise over Lake Hancock

Before Sunrise

Early morning mist

Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga)

Before the rolling storm

Live oak trees

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. ~Native American Proverb

CBBR 1-9-12--5745-The Swamp "Explored"

Beautiful Morn in the Wetlands...

Sunrise at Circle B reserve, Polk county, Florida

Wild Bushbean (Macroptilium lathyroides) invasive

Circle B Ranch 1-15-10

After sunrise

Circle B Ranch Lake Hancock

Foggy Boggy Morn...