Brown Anole [Explored]

I think we're a little low...someone check our altitude!

Limpkin Chicks and Mommy

Eagle Hood Mascot by Rene Lalique

1939 Bantam Pickup

Circle B Bar Reserve

Water Lily in the Spotlight

Jimmy's Got The Blues

Let The Black Horse Run !

Cardinal Fledgling on Our Porch

Rose in the Gardens

Egret in Flight

Newborn Portrait Mute Swan Cygnats

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunset Over Marsh at Circle B Bar Reserve

Osprey @ CBBR EXPLORE 2012-01-17 #48

"This could be trouble" 01.19 Explore 2012-01-18 #27

A Bench Along the Trail @ Circle B Bar Reserve

Looking Across Lake Morton

Sunrise over Lake Hancock

GATOR SEARCH, how many can you find?

Another morning at Lake Hollingsworth.

Sunrise at Circle B reserve, Polk county, Florida

Circle B Ranch 1-15-10


A Tree @ Circle B Bar Reserve

Phosphate Production in Florida

Old Florida - before sunrise

Flying Limpkin

Circle B

Phosphate Strip Mine

Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae, F: Nymphalidae)

Spanish Moss on Live Oaks @ Circle B Bar Reserve

Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga)

Enjoying what's left of the weekend...

Gator Reflection

Prairie Warbler

Wild Bushbean (Macroptilium lathyroides) invasive

sunrise in Lakeland

Lake Mirror from Barnett park