Sofa mit `Durchblick` / Sofa with a view to something behind

Blick Richtung Ollsen / View in direction of Ollsen

Old Elbe bridge

Blick Richtung Hanstedt / View in direction of Hanstedt

Blick Richtung Aue / View in direction of Aue

Mobile photography III

DE - Hamburg Hohe Schaar - 0274 108

Dragonfly on my stomach

Hamburg Harburg 30/07/2018 (f)

Hamburg-Neugraben - street view

Die alte harburger Elbbrücke im Licht und Schatten / Die alte harburger Elbbrücke in light and shadow

Blick von unten / View from below

Black Beauty

Point of view

'Went looking for faith on the forest floor, and it showed up everywhere. In the sun, and the water, and the falling leaves, the falling leaves of time.'(Neil Young)

DE - Wulfsen - 232 669

return of the white III

Rara, wat zouden dit kunnen zijn?

Rangierbahnhof Maschen - Hamburg. -01

Herstelwerkplaats voor spoorwagons.

Rangeren met 296-030-0 (BR296 - V90) in Hamburg - Maschen

Down the street

Zollenspieker Fährhaus

See in den (Sand-) Bergen (1) / Lake in the (Sand-) mountains (1)

Birken und Bänke / Birchtrees and benches

Weg zum Gipfel / Way to the top

Schneetreiben / Snow flurry

Das Büsenbachtal im Schnee / Büsenbachtal in the snow

“I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it.” ― J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

Clitocybe odora

Bäume und Weg / Trees and lane

Teich am "Sniershus" (1) / Pond at the `Sniershus` (1)

Weidetor / Meadow gate

Teich am "Sniershus" (2) / Pond at the `Sniershus` (2)

In der Nähe von Tostedt / Near Tostedt

Die Este / The river `Este`

the river

Pfad zur Brücke über die Schmale Aue / Path to the bridge across the river `Schmale Aue`

Weseler Heide im Februar (1) / Weseler heathland in February (1)

Kleiner Baum zwischen großen Stämmen / Small tree between big treetrunks

The shed