After the show HBM

Hotel Select, Iași

Marry x-mas!

Palace of Culture of Iași

Palas Park, Iași, Romania

Palace of Culture of Iași

Trei Ierarhi Monastery (1639) Iași, Romania

Biserica Vulpe, Iași, Romania

Palatul Culturii din Iaşi, România

Windows, Church of the Three Hierarchs, Iași (pron. 'yash') Romania

Welcome to Moldova

Orthodox Church in Iaşi, România

Biserica Lipovenească din Iași, Romania

Ungheni, Moldova

rainy dandelion

Iasi - V58 78 + V10 93, 20-06-1983

Summerdays in Iaşi, Romania


It's summertime!

Night view

Lily in the rain

Amaizing colours

Horses on the hills

Evening on Ciric Lake

Autumn, Toamna

Lake Rediu

Smoke after vineyard


Iasi, Romania


morning light

HDR Sunset


Repedea Valey

Ciric Lake, Iasi, Romania

P/Regio 6495 Iasi-Dorohoi

one summer evening...

DAY 212/366

morning light 2