How do I grasp reality when I don't have an identity?

The Blue Days of Winter

Battle Scarred

Muted Glow

We've got the land, but they've got the view

High Clouds, Low Commotion

Glory Past

Wilson's Hive

Very Close Up View of Caboose

Challenge Dam

2018-52:wk32 - Arches

You. With the Camera.

Batavia, IL, Fermi National Acceleratory Laboratory, View from the Top of Wilson Hall, Elegant Transmission Towers

Early Butterfly

More Dramatic

strength unending

Wild Verbena

Kung Fu Robins

"I don't always lie face down, but when I do, it's with WSCF"

Batavia, IL, Fermi National Acceleratory Laboratory, View from the Top of Wilson Hall,

Our House, Circa 1928

Mile Post 35.20


No one knows that’s how it goes, all the thoughts that we transpose.

Nelson Lake Marsh

Union Pacific 3090 in La Fox, Illnois

Hoops Away

Long Shadow

Fabyan Forest Preserve

Campton Hills Road at Sunset

Indigo Bunting, Male

Sunset Fishing

The North Western

10/10: Abandoned... Neglected

October Rain

Geneva, IL, Fox River, Sometimes the Clouds Steal the Show

Mama, can I eat this wiggly thing?

Geneva, IL, Fox River Panorama with Island Park on the Right

Geneva, IL, Fabyan Estate, Looking North along the Fox River

sunrise over the tracks

Fall Rain