You. With the Camera.

The Blue Days of Winter

Battle Scarred

Duck Pond Carnival Games

Batavia, IL, Fermi National Acceleratory Laboratory, View from the Top of Wilson Hall, Elegant Transmission Towers

Muted Glow

Metra 137 Westbound After Some Snow

We've got the land, but they've got the view

CDF Experiment Detector Assembly Hall, Fermilab, Batavia IL

Carnival Game

Glory Past

High Clouds, Low Commotion

Touring Fermilab - Tractricious Double Vision

Wilson's Hive

Between the Steel, Redux

The Paramount Theatre in Aurora, Illinois

CDF Experiment Detector, Fermilab, Batavia IL

Touring Fermilab - Tractricious

Fermilab 490

15-foot Bubble Chamber

CDF Experiment Detector, Fermilab, Batavia IL

Mile Post 35.20

Summer Sunset

Mama, can I eat this wiggly thing?

Nelson Lake Marsh

Standing Tall

Double Rainbow

Union Pacific 3090 in La Fox, Illnois

dream at tempo

345/365: Tall Tree, Small Moon

Corn, golf, homes

Looking North on the Fox River - Fall I

fun with hipstamatic on my morning run



Impending Weather

October Rain

Geneva, IL, Fox River, Sometimes the Clouds Steal the Show

Geneva, IL, Fox River Foot Bridge to the Villa Museum

Geneva, IL, Fabyan Estate, Looking North along the Fox River