#SFO to #LAS on #SouthwestAirlines #WindowSeat

#SFO to #LAS on #SouthwestAirlines #WindowSeat

#SFO to #LAS on #SouthwestAirlines #WindowSeat

SF Skyline

McWay Waterfall, CA

Pier 39

View from Knowles Catholic Church

06 Sunset

Mariposa Foothills

Even from my elevated viewing place I still don't know if I will ever spot a squirrel

Mariposa Foothills

Mariposa Foothills

Mariposa Foothills

Mariposa Foothills

Not a bad view this morning

Mariposa Foothills

Mariposa Foothills

Not a bad view from Grandmas

Mariposa Foothills

Mariposa Foothills

Mariposa Foothills

Ceci n'est pas un arbre (This is not a tree).

Beautiful Landscape

Country Road

Yosemite Waterfall Rainbow

Mojave Beginning

tunnel view- iphone - 69

Mariposa Foothills

tunnel view- iphone - 71

Tobin’s ranch

Mariposa Foothills