Proficient dive bomber - Forster's Tern

Green Heron (1st summer)

Barn Swallow (immature)

Yellow Tiger Swallowtail Butterrfly on Statice

Common Goldeneye (m)

Eared Grebe

Canvasback (m)

Barrow's Goldeneye

Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte Anna), visiting the blooms of a Mexican Sage

Shoreline Lake

Common Goldeneye (m) - Courtship Display

View Upstream, Stevens Creek Reservoir

Black-necked Stilt

Harassment of a Red-tailed Hawk

Budding Wild Flower

Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula) gives a quick look.

Afternoon calm

Colorful twist in life

Young Egret Feeding-35516

View Towards the Overflow, Stevens Creek Reservoir

Windows on the mountainside - Happy Window Wednesday

Martial Cottle Park

Vasona Lake - Happy Sliders Sunday

Duck Portrait

Fishing at the lake

Vasona Lake

Vasona Lake County Park

Fall colors begin to show - Happy Sliders Sunday

Vasona Lake Panorama

Happy Telegraph Tuesday

Early color at the park

Guadalupe Oak Grove Park

forest light

Meadow in the park

Santa Cruz Mountains

Vasona Lake HDR - Happy Sliders Sunday

Western shore of Vasona Lake

New Chicago Marsh - stitched panorama

Sequoia bark- Happy Texture Tuesday


Wild Flowers in the woods-31262

Alviso Blue Hour