Female Tree Swallow . . . .

M42 Orion Nebula, NGC 1977 Running Man Nebula

West Lake reflections . . .

The Horsehead Nebula Artprize 2013 entry at GRAM

October morning sky . . .

The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard33)

The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) Flame Nebula (NGC 2024)

The Pinwheel Galaxy M101 LRGB

Journey to another world . . .

M13 The "Great" Globular Cluster in Hercules (CCD+DSLR Combo)

The Horsehead Nebula by Terry Hancock for smartphone wallpaper

Edge on Galaxy NGC5746

The Medusa Planetary Nebula

M33 Triangulum Galaxy, what about these diffraction spikes?

Half of me!

First one of 2015 . . .

Night Sky Images II Preview

Grand Central Station . . .

M31 Andromeda Galaxy "luminance"

NGC7822 in H-Alpha

My Office today . . .

And we have just passed the winter solstice, and now it is officially . . . winter??

Does it get any better than this? (SOOC)

Horse Drawn To Water

World class! Need I say more?

The devil is in the details . . .

Plums . . .

Glorious rays . . .

Hoppy Weekend . . .

First Snow

White pine cone . . .

Orange ice . . .

Bright summer nights . . . (Explore! June 29,2012)

About last night . . .

Looking good . . .

#47 Colin Thirlby and #36L Jamie Lomax

And disc golf

Backlit cloud . . .

Perfect day

Blue Lake
