Fountain of the river Blau
view from the balcony
A swan on the river Blau
How and Why and How much ... should a human endure ?
Kloster Blaubeuren
Double view without a future
Donau und Ulmer Münster
The Library (HDR Vertorama)
Geöffnete Sardinenbüchse
Ulmer Münster - Hauptschiff - Langhaus - Basilika. My Photopedia.
ERZENGEL Michael - Michael hebräisch מיכאל; arabisch ميكائيل/ميكال „Mīkā’īl“ bzw. „Mīkāl“. Auf deutsch „Wer ist wie Gott?“
Ulmer Münster - mit Narrenbaum - Der Westturm. Das WESTPORTAL. My PHOTOPEDIA.
Blue Lecture Hall H45.1
Ulmer Münster - Hauptschiff - Langhaus - Basilika.
Wiblingen Monastery - The Library
Ulm, Baden-Württemberg (Münster), Minster of Ulm, Catedral, Catédrale, il Duomo di Ulma, Katedra w Ulm (Münsterplatz), a la Bienaventurada Virgen María, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, alla Benedetta Vergine Maria, à la Bénie Vierge Marie, Najświętsza Maryja
Wiblingen Monastery - The Library
A view from the top of the Ulm Minster Steeple.
Ulm, Baden-Württemberg (Münster), Minster of Ulm, Catedral, Catédrale, il Duomo di Ulma, Katedra w Ulm (Münsterplatz), a la Bienaventurada Virgen María, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, alla Benedetta Vergine Maria, à la Bénie Vierge Marie, Najświętsza Maryja
rope of perls
Red poppy
"Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled. We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets."
A proposal of eye in eye
the last rays ...
Less than perfect
foggy forest part3 *explored*
Sunset Eselsberg
Helmknabenkraut Dreiergruppe - Three orchis militaris
Blaubeuren/Blautopf 15/365
Little Sweeties
Blaubeuren - Blautopf
Bad weather
watch out, again ...
Hammerschmiede Blaubeuren
Marbled White
Neu Ulm Au
Illuminierte Weide
Wehr am Blautopf