Boston Light, Massachusetts

22 November, 1963


Boston View from Squantum Point Park

Old Scituate Lighthouse

Big Brother

Chaos - States - 2009 State Championship Celebration-09659

Boston Harbor

Sqantum Point

Inside JFK

Long Island, MA - An inspiration for the movie "Shutter Island"

Under a Pier, a Sunset Over Boston

American Goldfinch

Sunset Cruise

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

Dorchester Lower Mills

Black-crowned Night Heron

River View

sky and ocean

Sundown in the City

The Mem day view at our BBQ spot


sea of "fluffy top grasses"

Chapel Rock

at the park in Quincy, MA.

Quarry Hills - West Quincy, Massachusetts.

U n t i t l e d

North River

Boston freehand skyline from the boat

North Quincy

Quincy night

Boston Sunset from Squantum Point Park, Quincy Mass

#SouthField #autumn #fall #foliage #NewEngland #AutumnFoliage #AutumnLeaves #FallFoliage #FallLeaves #GreaterBoston #trees

Deer Island Landscape

Quincy Dawn

Minot Beach #1

Aaron River Reservoir Landscape

Crown Colony snow farm, Quincy

Driftway Recreational Area

Come sail away

Scituate Light 4

Sunset hole in the clouds at Sunset Lake in Braintree, MA