Snowy Egret

Black-necked Stilt

California Ground Squirrel

Marbled Godwit

Proficient dive bomber - Forster's Tern

Western Gull (immature)

Green Heron (1st summer)

Greater Yellowlegs

Barn Swallow (immature)

Forster's Tern

Forster's Tern (1st year)

Barrow's Goldeneye

Colorful twist in life

Brown Bird

The sun settles at the shoreline

Geese (HSS)

Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) in adult breeding plumage

Mountain View, California // May 2013

Perfect view?

Life is ours, we live it our way

Windows on the mountainside - Happy Window Wednesday

Vasona Lake County Park

Late afternoon at the lake

Panorama of Vasona Lake

Eucalyptus Tree Texture - Happy Macro Monday

Vasona Lake Reflections

Vasona Lake

Duck Portrait

Oak Grove

Fishing at the lake

Moving this week will catch up after the weekend

Vasona Lake County Park as sunset approaches

Hiking on the Los Gatos Creek Trail

Bridge over Los Gatos Creek

Happy Telegraph Tuesday

Step into the soul serene

Tonight before midnight the servant will set out to rejoin his master

Place of reflection

Somewhere in heaven

Vasona Lake