Ginger_Blue at Ginger Blue

Cooper Chapel-aproach

Tanyard Creek

Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Archilochus colubris, Video Taken At Heather's Home

#10 White-breasted Nuthatch, Sitta carolinensis, Gravette Arkansas, Benton County, Photo by Wes

#10 Northern Cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, Male, Benton County, Gravette Arkansas, Photo by Wes

Las Fajitas Decorated Booth

The morning view from our deck at Wildwood. I knew it wasn't time to clear the leaves from the #deck yet...Very #unseasonable #spring #weather for #Arkansas in #May #igersarkansas #springsnow #trees #yard

If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed…

The dog that trots about finds a bone…

Crystal Bridges Museum

Tanyard Creek

Tanyard Falls

Construction west of Bentonville Զ

Tanyard Creek Falls

Egyptian Geese - Bella Vista Lake Arkansas

Lake Windsor Spillway

Tanyard Creek

Tanyard Creek's Rippling Water

I Think I Hear Some Walkers...

Tanyard Creek Falls

Tanyard Creek Falls

Arkansas Roadside Trail

KCS CKCBO 11, Sulphur Springs, AR

Bella Vista Lakes

Bella Vista Lakes

Confluence #↘️↙️

Breaking Dam - Slow Shutter