view over the valley and water mill in Epen

A view between the trees

restaurant with a view

Chorus House

ein Sommerabend am Schneeberg

die Rampe

*Happy New Year*

Evening light

Mer de Fleurs

the beautifully rouged corpse


ZLSM - Teddyberen-Expres, 23-10-2016

WWII Monument

The post-apocalyptic Wanderer

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Simpelveld - 'two of a kind', 29-10-2017

November's Doom

Nice little corner of the world (explored #376)

Trees with a view

Holswick Farm

View on Terschuren.

over the fields

the start of a perfect hike

Dutch Delight

Limburger Patchwork

Signs of Spring in the hills

Trees and flowers and fields and ....

Golvende heuvels in ondergaande zon.

Pastoral scenery near Nuth - Limburg

Volmolen, Epen - Zuid Limburg

The wind was blowing

The invitation.

Thirsty crows

Sunset Reflections

Landscape near Swier in the south of the Netherlands

Het Dobbertje

Foggy Sunday

Landscape near Elkenrade - Zuid-Limburg

Threatening clouds

Landscape in the South of the Netherlands

Shadow falling into the landscape