Colorful Fabrics in the He Hoe market

The pig enjoys the view of the main street of Nyaung Shwe

Breakfast on rooftop terrace of the Inlay Palace Hotel in Nyaung Shwe

Inle Lake - Fisher

Myanmar Shan State _D7C19699

Myanmar Lake Inle D3x_0593

View from the road, Nyaung Shwe

242 - Day 13 Heho - A very cool early boat ride across the lake then a taxi ride to Heho airport for a propellered plane ride back to Yangon.

Inle lake

One leg paddling fisherman - Inle Lake - Myanmar (Burma) 3

Bamboo Wall with Lizard - Inle Lake - Myanmar (Burma)

Gypsy Inn - Inle Lake - Nyaungshwe

View from our balcony

A view from today's ride: workers in the sugar cane fields.

Our room, Inle Lake View Resort

final lunch

Our room, Inle Lake View Resort

Inle lake Show Time


Lake Inlay

Burmese children rowing on traditional barque, Inle Lake, Shan State, Burma

Inle Lake scenery




Serious Craftsmanship