Sanderling White-Out

Atlantic City Beach (New Jersey)

a Glossy Stretch

Peek-a-Boo Night Heron

Rainy Day Heron

Short-eared Owl

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl

Atlantic City (New Jersey)

Poseidon and His Trident

Bird's Eye View

Beach of Atlantic City

Atlantic City & Sunset

Summer's Last Shimmer

Saltmarsh Sparrow

view from gull pond tower at Brig

White Ibis

Eared Grebe

Short-eared Owl

Seed Head

Heading Home...

Clapper Rail

Ocean City, NJ

Sanderling Tucking It's Neck

the Infinite Sunset

the Atlantic at Sunset

Atlantic City


American Oystercatcher

Glossy Ibis in Flight III

Snowy Courtship II

Atlantic City Sunrise...

Osprey in Forsythe Wildlife Refuge

Osprey Juvenile

Atlantic City, NJ

Gorgeous grey

Tree Swallows

Least Sandpiper

Dernier moment - Last moment