Atlantic City Beach (New Jersey)

Eating the Worm

An Elegant Take-Off

Atlantic City

Flaps Up for Landing...

Many Shades of Blue...

A Glossy Juvenile

Sanderling White-Out

Peek-a-Boo Night Heron

a Glossy Stretch

Sinister at Sunrise

Short-eared Owl

A Glossy Landing

Yellow-crowned Night Heron (Juvenile)

Rainy Day Heron

Atlantic City & Sunset

White Wedding

Glossy Ibis

Yep, the view from bed is a nice way to wake up!

040/365 : Box in Hand

Little Blue "In Transition"

Rough Surf

Brown Thrasher

Atlantic City Sun Set

Savannah Sparrow

Waiting for Sunshine - Atlantic City, NJ


Song Sparrow

Northern Harrier

Cloudy Sunrise

Forsythe NWR Back Drive

Ocean City Shoreline

Atlantic City, NJ

Ocean City, NJ

Ocean City Pier - New Jersey

Early evening my 2nd fav time of day after sunrise

Cloudy Over The Sea

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Atlantic City (NJ)

Down the Shore

Winter Beach