Blubes (blue tubes)

Artist: WUAM (WorldNeedColors!)

beautiful view

Durlach befogged

Karlsruhe Zoo 14 November 2014

old habit


blue star

Die Lebenden Toten - The Walking Dead V

old school DODGE

Almost Unreal

World Wide Web

west wing

│‖⎟∣│∣‖⎟ B∃tr∀cӈtuɴgsω∃is∃ ‖∣∣│‖‖∣⎟⎟│

Zombie Killer

Marktplatz HDR

Kitchen View

I will go to the mountains for a rest

solar panels

leafless but not lifeless

blue & starry

Karlsruhe Zoo 14 November 2014-0291.jpg

Karlsruhe Zoo 14 November 2014

rapeseed and the tree

Schloss Karlsruhe

There are billions of colors and each is a unique kind of red.

DB 185 362

Die "Everglades" bei Leopoldshafen (der alte Hafen) - Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen / Germany

Karlsruhe Palace

A dreamy poppy

Drei Bäume im Getreidefeld vor Wolkenhimmel


no fake, only lightroom


AKW Phillipsburg

blue and grain

Moos / Moss