Drake mallard

White-winged Dove P07 iridescence on sunflower seeder 2017-07-13 ©Kevin S Lucas

White-winged Dove P01 2017-07-13 ©Kevin S Lucas

Mount Rainier at Sunrise Solarized

White-winged Dove P02 2017-07-13 ©Kevin S Lucas

White-winged Dove at our bird bath play park 2017-07-10 ©Kevin S Lucas

White-winged Dove P05 wings spread on sunflower seeder 2017-07-13 ©Kevin S Lucas

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Cedar waxwing

Cedar waxwing

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Female wood duck portrait, Sportsman State Park, Yakima, Washington

House finch enjoying a crabapple snack

Landing approach

Male wood duck

Wood duck

Drake mallard landing

Wood duck posing for a portrait

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Yakima Lighted Christmas Parade, 2014

Wood duck on ice

Selah Creek

Lakeview veterans fire crew trains Washington National Guard

On three subsequent evenings, I watched this farmer head out to his tractor to begin the nightly plowing. On the third night, I was ready to capture the moment. #palouse #whitmancounty #visitwashington #farming #farminglife #wheat #farmsandranches #washin

Watching the sun go down

Sportsman Park Pond

Picture This

Dec 17 2013 Sunset

Jan 14 2014 Nature and Wildlife

Settin Sun

The world in living color!

On Watch Duty

Although I would just as soon not be awake to see it, nice sunrise, Yakima

Sunset in Yakima, WA driving to my relatives

Pond Infrared Beauty


Sportsman State Park Pond Reflection

Day's End

Just Another Sunday, er- Sunset

A Road Not Traveled

