Isn't this stretch of the Salt River memorably distinctive in appearance.
Rootballs threaten to evolve into repulsive tentacled creatures that walk toward us.
The creek "Mud Creek" is tannic not muddy.
The creek "Mud Creek" is tannic not muddy.
Isn't the creek "Mud Creek" rustic-looking in its post-logging setting.
Ideal ripples of Salt River.
Thru an opening in the spring greenery I caught sight of: THE SALT RIVER!!, from a slight elevation above it.
thundersnow aftermath
Possibly my favorite colony of mayapples in all Midland County.
Status of woodland greenup as of May the 18th.
A wet area is likeably unkempt. A secondary succession is in progress in a post-logging area.
See the tree and ferns and mosses that grow from the rotting remains of old logs in standing water.
Shows a tree with moss growing in blotchy patches on its bark, and its roots caked with dried mud.
Worsening dullness of orange of aging strip of orange plastic mesh 'round a dead tree in a Michigan woods.
Favorite water-in-disguise, a thicket, in a county park.
It is May the 18th and a greenup is in progress in a wet forest in central Michigan.
Shows one of the picturesque floodplains for which the Salt River in central Michigan is renowned.
first light in the pasture
field of red twig dogwoods
Wow these ferns my gosh they thrive.
Possibly one of the gentlest ravines I had theretofore seen in person.