Bench With a View?

Setting Reflection

901 Pump House

Banded Orange Heliconian Ventral View

Banded Orange Heliconian Dorsal View

Budding Magnolia

View up to 25,000 feet.

176 15-August-2012

Rose Peony II

Through the Looking-Glass

James T Pardee House (1936), Alden B. Dow


James T Pardee House (1936), Alden B. Dow

The Beauty of Introspection

Bereft of Violets

Fringed Gentian, Top View

James T Pardee House (1936), Alden B. Dow

Sheldon & Mary H. Heath House (1934) Alden B. Dow

James T Pardee House (1936), Alden B. Dow

B&W Flowers

James T Pardee House (1936), Alden B. Dow

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Dow Gardens

Autumn foliage in a Summer Landscape

Sunrise Bridge

Purple Sensation

Meron Marsh

Shadow Land

Swallowtail on Lavender Bee Balm

Corn Field Pano

In the Shadows

_DSC1157 A Walk In The Woods

Tulip Field

Sun Bridge

Dow Garden Barn

"Black Saddlebags on the Wing"

Dow Gardens

Snow Range


Entrance Pond, Chippewa Nature Center