182 016 - Dresden

Seasonal Coloring 3D ::: DRi Cross-View Stereoscopy

Sachsen, Erzgebirge, Am Geisingberg, 01

Fireworks Display 3D ::: DRI Cross-Eye Stereoscopy

26 Windows

The Stairs

Happy new year...:)

Great Garden of Dresden 3D ::: HDR Cross-View Stereoscopy

Great Garden of Dresden II ::: DRi Anaglyph Stereoscopy

Unverbaubare Aussicht...

Pirna - market place (Canaletto-view)

Great Garden of Dresden II ::: 3D HDR Cross-View Stereoscopy

13/366: Snowstorm

Science all night long :: Stereoscopic Anaglyph HDR 3D ::

Sciences All Night Long 2009 :: ANAGLYPH 3D ::

10/366: In the afterglow

Worm's-eye view

Aussicht vom Trutzsch über Dresden - View from the mountain Trutzsch over Dresden

~~~ meadowy countryside ~~~

Golden Summer

Snow Cone

sonntag-sommermorgen 6:55

Vineyard church Pillnitz

Bei Possendorf

Elbe bei Pillnitz

Vor den Toren der Stadt

Riverside Palace - Pillnitz Castle


Pillnitzer Herbstzauber

Am Feldrand

Einsam und kalt sind die Alleen im Pillnitzer Schloßpark

Weinbergkirche in Pillnitz

ancient dipps

Herbstsonntag in Pillnitz

faraway rainclouds

shelter me when nothing’s as it seems

Großer Garten


Alter Bahndamm