Mending The Fence
Bull riding
Colter's Hell
View from McCullough Peaks
Buffalo Bill Resevoir
Storm Clouds Move In
Clothes Line
Trimming Trees on The Golf Course
Oregon Trail
Smoke in Wapiti Valley
Ice on Buffalo Bill
A Stormy Afternoon
McCullough Peaks-Willwood Badlands
Entrance to Shoshone Canyon
Old Shoshone Canyon (Yellowstone) Highway
Hot Springs Cone
Willwood Badlands
Old Trail Town View
Hot Springs Cone
Rows of Mountain Ridges
River Terraces Cody Wyoming
Old Trail Town
After the time tunnel-2771
Old Trail Town
Mountain Caves
Through The Spokes
Old Trail Town
Wagon on Main Street
Old Trail Town
April 30 2016 - 300 Million years of erosion by the Shoshone River
Buffalo Bill Dam in Velvia.
Poker Table in the Corner
Colorful Hills
Where 2 Fence Lines Meet
Sandstone Ledge
Two Track Road Toward "The Red Hill"