20050625_5301...Lion Mountain in the background

20050625_5263...Turn right to go to the Sun Tunnels

Mysterious goings-on in the desert.. 20120419_1677-80-83-86

White dot and the Donner party... 20100913_6814

20091012_8113...Atop a Crater Island peak

Morning view into the tent....20110626_9767

Lake Bonneville wave terrace?... 20100913_6331

20091012_7982...Goal peak at Crater Island

Sun Tunnels

20050625_5365...The view through a sun tunnel can be scary

20091012_8077...Gentle west ridge of Peak 5297

Just mining my own business... 20100913_6232

Would not win a beauty contest... 20100913_6349

Joe Tripod, mining his own business... 20100913_6228

Steepest gradient I encountered... 20100913_6340

The Sun Tunnels

20091011_6910...Aligning the mind

Mud flats... 20100913_6325

Approaching my Crater Island campsite....20110609_3228

20091012_8110...Gloves needed here

20091012_8163...Looking longingly at Lucin

Lonely tree on the mud flat... 20090519_2105

20091012_8107...Following the base of the wall

Great Salt Lake Desert, Utah

The tunnels aimed toward me are aligned with the location of the setting sun at winter solstice; the other two are aligned with the summer solstice. Holes in the cylinders align with constellations. It's a little Indiana jones