Nightfall at Siamese Twins

spires in the garden

The Ark

Saying Goodbye to 2014 - Final Sunrise of the Year

cathedral rock

Yellow-bellied Sliders

Yellow Rose

Garden of the Gods Sunset

A Pike's Peak Sunrise

Marriott Sunrise

A Grocer's View

the rising

Springs lightning

So Much Depends Upon

Garden of the Gods: Remembering Harvey Carter

Blodgett Peak

44/52 - Agree to Disagree

Glen Eyrie

Garden of the (Suburban) Gods: Colorado Springs, CO

Ἴκαρος (Icarus)

Queen's Canyon

Garden of the Gods-3

*Glowing Garden of the Gods*

Sunrise at the Garden of the Gods

The Spires at Garden of the Gods

Garden of the Gods

Blodgett Peak Snow

Garden of the Golly

Garden with a View


2017_Denver Trip_Garden of the Gods_12


2017_Denver Trip_Garden of the Gods_1

Morning Has Broken

Garden of Gods

2017_Denver Trip_Garden of the Gods_30

Garden of the Gods


Pike's Peak