Ohio - Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park

The Spot, but From The Air

Geep on Q Duty

What Once Was.


TrackHead Studios - So Much Sacrifice

'Led sled'

window view #4

Doolittle Raid Reunion B-25 Gathering

[Dayton View Bridge], Dayton, OH - 1913 Flood

Bumblebee 5

Globemaster III

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

Going to be a Trail Someday

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

Dayton RTA #9853

205 Miles to Cleveland

ghost in the zone

It Sleeps Next To Me Nightly

Late Saturday Afternoon in Dayton

Canada Geese at Dawn #2

Autumn on the River

Dawn #2

Lifesaving Muscle

Layers of Natural Reality

Sunrise on the Prairie

Bee Fly Hovering

Tall Grass in High Summer (Landscape)

Foggy and Frozen

Different Fishing Methods

Dawn in the Clouds #1

Ohio Spring: Visual Therapy

Dayton's Morning Skyline

Putting In

First Snow

Ohio - Wegerzyn Gardens Park

After the Storm

American Kestrel

Female Bobolink?

The Apple Street Floodgate

Foggy and Frozen