Ohio - Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park

The Spot, but From The Air

Geep on Q Duty


window view #4

Doolittle Raid Reunion B-25 Gathering

'Led sled'

[Dayton View Bridge], Dayton, OH - 1913 Flood

It Sleeps Next To Me Nightly

Late Saturday Afternoon in Dayton

Growing Weeds

Back Off

Passing Train

McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) X-36 at Wright-Patterson

P-39 Airacobra at NMUSAF, Dayton

XP-80R Shooting Star at Dayton

Algonquin Hotel, Dayton, OH - 1913 Flood

Dayton Public Library, Old Main Library

Under The Hood Of A 1956 T-Bird

National Cash Register, Dayton, OH - 1913 Flood

Section of Flooded District, Dayton, OH - 1913 Flood

Layers of Natural Reality

Sunrise on the Prairie

Tall Grass in High Summer (Landscape)

Dayton's Morning Skyline

Putting In

Female Bobolink?

Sunset at the Apple Street Floodgate

Dayton Skyline

Spring Sunburst (Explore 05-23-2016)


Winter Dusk

Water Street Apartments

Good Weather... Cheer up Midwest. Everyone else donate to the Red Cross.

Morning Grey

Autumn on the River

Lifesaving Muscle

Bee Fly Hovering

Different Fishing Methods

Foggy and Frozen

First Snow

American Kestrel