Morning Glow, Maroon Bells Aspen....

gothic mtn & aspen

Crystal City in the Colorado Rockies - 1975

Maroon Bells - 2011

Colorado Autumn

view from the elk mountain lodge

Nicholson Lake

Summiting Maroon Peak - Explored #71

On the Water | HDR

view from Virginia Ridge, 1963

Not a bad #view from the #NordicInnCB! #goingskiing #skiing #CrestedButte #ice #snow @luhnyclimbr

Misty Mountain Light Show

Stillness of Mind

At the top of Headwall, Crested Butte

the view out from Tony's is much the same from way back when...

The view from Mt Crested Butte

View of OBF

the view

Step Into The Light

Maroon & Gold

Maroon Lake

Maroon Bells

Maroon Bells

Sunset Bells in Autumn

more aspens

Fall at Maroon Bells

Crested Butte

the east river meanders and unexpectedly RED aspen

Maroon Bells

Maroon Bells, White River National Forest HDR

Crested Butte

Kebler Pass, Colorado sunrise

Dusk at Maroon Lake

aspens, again

yep, more aspens

Maroon Bells near Aspen, Colorado

fall in cb

Mt. CB this morning -- it rained most of the night...

Went on a walk today...

Autumn Bells