Sapphire Overlook. Dillon, Co

From Cucumber Gulch

Heading Out to Ski Country

Dillon from Giberson Bay

Lakes & Mountains

Lake Dillon

Top Of The Lake

Iridium Flare Over Lake Dillon

Cars and Trucks Driving Along I-70

Paint the Sky with Stars

Tenmile Peak, near Frisco, Colorado

Theobald Building, Breckenridge, Colorado, 2005

A view from the top #Breckenridge

Lake Dillon

2008 - 06 - 22 - Keystone living room window

children in the yard

so many places at once.


View of Quandry Peak

Skyrocket with Passenger

Monument Plant with Bumble

blast of the snow

Autumn in Breckenridge

Officers Gulch Reflections

Colorado Fall

Fall Morning

Reflections of Fall

The Dead Tree at The Bay

Rainbow Lake

Lake Dillon Serenity

A Pond Reflection

Ice Castle

Aspens and Evergreens Stretching off to the Horizon