Hall Place Bexley

Through the Lytch Gate

Martial Eagle

Comma Butterfly (1)

Gerbera Durora Pot plant Flower (3)

Parakeet 25.10.18 (127) Through new Caravan windows

Ring Necked Parakeet (213)

Boletus Fungi (6)

Baby Robin (1) Ant for Dinner

Honeysuckle July 18 DSC_0736

Tawny Eagle

Chafinch (2)

Crow (2) Taken through Caravan window

Bluebells (1)

African Fish Eagle

Sunflower and Buff-tailed bumblebee (17)

Parakeet (11) I am eating next no i am do you want a fight over it

Nuthatch (3)

Collard Dove's Having fun

Greenwich foot tunnel South

Cinnabar Moth (13)

Bulfinch (96) Male and Female eating Dandilion seeds

Woodland alley

Fungi _7545

Darenth Country Park

Snow in London in 2009

A foggy Croham Hurst

DSC_7720 Fungi and a Shy Fly does my Bum look big on here

Snow trail

Autumn Reflections

House in the Mist

WPG Landscape Printed Challenge.

End of Winter

Winter Woods

Simple Pleasures

How Strange...

Greenwich, London

Common Earthballs (1)

Barn Owl (3)

Summer view from the Royal observatory Greenwich

Early Morning at Bickley

City Hights