Fields of Gold

Surviving the cold

Soft Landing ...

Quiet Evening

DSC_1251 It's A Bugs Life

Standing tall ..

standing alone

Great Tit Nest and Eggs (6) Sadly while we been away all 5 eggs hatched and some kids kept going near and watching and mum left them to die

This Years Baby Parakeet (32) Wild Bird on my Feeder next to our Caravan in Kent and also taken through the Caravan window

DSC_8011 went to Kent and see this lovely Chicken of the woods funguss more shot below from other angles

A Place for Contemplation

Horniman Museum

Great Tit on her Nest with Eggs Photo of Eggs in First Comment

Like the first bird..

Close encounter

Warm Glow.

Panoramic Poppies

Fox Cubs (3) 3 of the 5 Cubs there was there with mum watching me

As the mists lift

Late of the Pier

Red 'n Green

the lone oak

Chipstead Lake...

Evening Shadows

morning at the ford

Meeting in the Middle

Winter Woodland Pathway - ICM

Morning light

Nizels 12th and 13th

Glowing Trees

ripening for harvest

Shaggy Parasol fingi (1)

Celebration time!

Danson Park

Forest on Fire

8th & 13th Greens

Green Pastures

Longing for the Electric Car

Shoreham Lavender

in amongst the dandelions