San Diego Skyline II

20071212 060

Lifeguard call box...

Downtown San Diego Skyline from Bay View Park in Coronado or why there is a Home Depot in Heaven

Boulevard of Dreams (warning this photograph maybe hazardous to your health)!

Horseshoes II

After the Sunset - Coronado Beach

La Jolla, California

America's Finest City

little bird

Summer Sunrise

Soft Light

Delicate Dance (Egretta Thula), Snowy Egret

2015 - San Diego - Humming at Point Loma

Reptile 2

Golden View

A Skittles Sunset

Coronado Bridge

Sunday Night

Variegated Machine

Sunset Cliffs Sea Cave, San Diego

Life Guard....

The Potholes

Scripps Pier

Windansea Nightscape

Aloe Veras and Scripps Pier

Almost Blue Hour

Enchanted Sea

La Jolla Shores

Mossy Sunset in OB

California Sunset

Concretions at Sunset Cliffs

Sunbeams & Flare

The Pearl of the West

Windansea beach surf shack

Until the Last Moment

La Jolla Dawn

Light Show Sunset Cliffs

Covered in Green

My Town

Potholes on the Beach

Drop It And Run