cliff fog

pull off

Infinite Aspen

Rolling off Little 10 Curve

775: Goodness, what big eyes you have...

Golden Aspen Trees

the edge of wooded

High above Rollins Canyon

Looking Across Hillside After Hillside in Colorado

Coal Creek Canyon

793: Little Red Riding Hood Feeds the Wolf

Rattlesnake Gulch Open!

Colorado Rocky Mountain Milky Way View

Eldorado Canyon Sunrise

way to walker ranch

Sea Of Lights

Greyhound through the Colorado Rockies (Interstate 70)

780: Little Red Riding Hood - Tame or be Tamed

774: Little Red Ridding Hood's fateful walk through the woods to deliver food to her sick grandmother...

781: Red Riding Hood & Wolf

Lonely Tree with a View

Oil Train at Rocky

Big 10 Curve from the southwest

This'll Do I Guess

Carpet of Color

Beautiful spring day at Big 10

Topsy Turvey

Coal Creek Canyon

Out of the Tunnel and Going Down

Spring snow at Coal Creek

Rocky meet

A Golden Shimmer

Crescent coal

Snaking Through Coal Creek

South Boulder Creek running high

Climbing through Clay

Galbraith cold sunset

The Foot of the Foothills

SP in spring snow

Brief golden sunrise