Raking dry-processed coffee on the beds to roatate it, at Worka Union Cooperative Yirga Cheffe, Ethiopia
Crazy Aleco messes with the locals ...Worka Union Yirga Cheffe
A mix of ripe dried cherry pods, som red undried ones, and green under-ripes, at Worka Union Cooperative Yirga Cheffe, Ethiopia
Natural coffee cherry pods on the drying beds, Worka Union Cooperative Yirga Cheffe, Ethiopia
Let's all put our hands in the coffee and move them around! Worka Union Cooperative Yirga Cheffe, Ethiopia
Fresher cherry in the foreground, drier cherry in the back. Worka Union Cooperative Yirga Cheffe, Ethiopia
Children care for children, Worka town- Ethiopia
Jeremy shares pictures- Ethiopia
Near Worka town, Kochere area. - Ethiopia
A lumpy and rumpled man playing a flute? or brushing his teeth? - Ethiopia
At town near Worka. Local attitude. - Ethiopia
YCU folks at drying tables at Worka Union - Ethiopia, GPS Image