The Memorial for the Heroes of the Romanian Revolution

Brăila (2/2) - V3A 88, 30-04-1992

Galați (1/2) - Rotterdammer 1261 on tour, 18-05-2017

Galați (2/2) - Timiș-2 128 +331+324, 01-05-1992

The Memorial for the Heroes of the Romanian Revolution

Galați railway station, Romania

The Memorial Plaza in downtown Galati, Romania

W e l c o m e B a c k

Television Tower view

Danube at Smardan, Tulcea county, Dobruja, Romania - hdr

C h a s i n g T h e S u n

On the sunny field

Le Danube à Galați

good morning

Sunrise from Danube

Fake light painting IV

Faleza Dunarii

Faleza Dunării Galați


Le Danube entre Galați et Braila

The Domus

2008 Roemenië 0013 Galati

Smârdan près de Galați

Rumänien Anfang September 2009

General View of Dinogetia-Bisericuta


dunarea "umflata"

2015-12-01 at 15.38.15

Autumn Morning

2015-12-01 at 15.38.18