Brăila (2/2) - V3A 88, 30-04-1992

Change your point of view

Fence view

Another view of this so-called "communist block"

Maria Filotti Theatre, Braila, Romania

Anybody want loft with nice view ?

Electric sunset. #romania #landscape #sunset

Salt lake

Sunflower field

shadow spot

Salt lake

Danube at Braila

Salt lake

toamna 2_800x600_logo

Danube at Braila



Environmental Disaster at Salt Lake, Braila, Romania / Dezastru ecologic la Lacu Sarat, Braila

Lacu Sărat

The cloth before our eyes.

Frozen Danube

Willows in Monument park, Braila, Romania

Willows in Monument Park, Braila, Romania

Lacu Sarat (Salt Lake), Braila, Romania: d(r)ying lake

Tramway in Monument Park, Braila, Romania

Lacul sarat braila

006.Pe Dunăre la Brăila