Colden Falls Head On - Matted & Signed at PYWWNY (DTB_7869)

B&O 6904 Springville

Not the Colden Falls, Colden, NY (DSF_6122-27)

A view from my deer stand.

Springville Station

Top of the World Chair


Colden Falls, my version

"Hey mister, take our picture!"

Checking out the possibilities

West Valley, NY

West Valley, NY

Riceville, NY

Very Dry East Branch

Colden Falls Head On (DTB_7869)

Very Dry East Branch

Texture in Snowdrift (DSF_1359)


Willow Tree by Winter's Pond, New York (NY) (DSE_9528)

Mckinstry Creek

A Still Pond bunking against Red Rustic Barn

As the leaf's begin to fall

Sprague Brook Park

RT 219 construction

The "Tree"

Mckinstry Creek

twisty dead tree