Franklinville view from the front deck.

Springville Station


All Aboard the Arcadian

B&O 6904 Springville

Drivers seat

The Cat in Bird Swamp

Ashford, NY

OL-2 has M636 #637 on the South end and M636 #638 on the North end of a 20 car stone strain that is being loaded to go directly to Hawbaker's in Turtle Point, PA.

Ashford, NY

Riceville, NY

Springville, NY

That's not snow is it.

WM 4313 Bird Swamp

Hundred acre woods

it was a blustery cold wait at the bus stop today but the sun did peek through for a moment!! 7/365 #itsbelowzero

West Valley, NY

Crestview Sunset

#fall #color #cattarauguscounty #beauty

#fall #color #cattarauguscounty #beauty

October's bright blue weather

Case Lake #franklinville #summer #kayak

More sunset

Winter blue sky


Ashford, NY

Mckinstry Creek