Google Street View - Pan-American Trek - Grass Range, Montana

Google Street View - Pan-American Trek - Grass Range, Montana

view from the schoolhouse at Becket

Google Street View - Pan-American Trek - Highway 87, Montana

Google Street View - Pan-American Trek - Grass Range, Montana

Forestgrove, Montana 59441

Pinegrove, Montana

Grass Range, Montana 59032

Novary, Montana

hill top infrared

chest deep grass

fall color

dad on the ridgetop

hill top

dad takes a rest

true vintage

cows grazing near Becket

Autumn Herd

Grass Range, infrared

sunset outside Grass Range

fall field

weathered hillside

big sky

approaching sunset in a coulee

endless hills and sagebrush

hills & valleys

hills and valleys

Autumn in Central Montana

back road near Grass Range