Driving int the Arizona Sun

Harcuvar Petroglyphs




Clouds and Mountains, Congress, AZ

Vintage Neon Cafe Sign with Red Arrow, Close-up: Coyote Flats Cafe & Bar, Aguila, AZ

Highway Signage for Parking: Coyote Flats Cafe & Bar, Aguila, AZ

Old Signage & Thermometer Topper: Coyote Flats Cafe & Bar, Aguila, AZ

Vintage Signage, Long Shot: Coyote Flats Cafe & Bar, Aguila, AZ

Old Signage & Building: Coyote Flats Cafe & Bar, Aguila, AZ

1960's Building & Vintage Neon Signage: Coyote Flats Cafe & Bar, Aguila, AZ

How we clean on St. Patrick's Day. #gogreen #sowers #notme

That time the SOWER project had a hot tub. #thankful #ohyeahbaby #sowers

Being good stewards of the lemon bounty. #zestinglikecrazy #lemonabundance

Cafe sign, Aguila, Arizona.

Motel sign, Aguila, Arizona.

Aguila, Arizona

Aguila, Arizona

Aguila, Arizona

Aguila, Arizona

Ready to Strike

Arizona spaces

Shooting guns. Quick draw means I win. #reunion2014 #rosewood

I rode a freaking HORSE #rosewood #reunion2014