Wildflowers At The Old Store

Burton Farmer's Gin (1914)

Railroad Bridge over FM 390, Washington County, Texas 0922111505

Seen Better Days

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Lunch Break

166/365 : Lake Somerville

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Beyond Day

About Sundown in Brenham

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Sunrise at Lake Somerville State Park

Sunset over Edwards Lake

Back Pasture

Washington County Bluebonnet and Paintbrush Field, 3/07

Indian Paintbrush and Texas Bluebonnets

Zionville Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush, Apr 2011

Washington County 4/4/2010 -- Field of Paintbrush and Bluebonnets

Mustang grape (Vitis mustangensis) Vitaceae

Lake Somerville

Sunset over Edwards Lake

Lignite or Peat seam at Lake Somerville, Tx.